The first 1000 people will receive 77 USD absolutely free of charge into their account. On them you can, for example, create and advertise 7 personas.
Latest arrivals:
- Поздняков Василий Георгиевич
- Андрєєв Володимир Антонович
- Буковецький Євген Йосипович
- Чичерін Борис Миколайович
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- Михайловський Костянтин Якович
- Тимченко Йосип Андрійович
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- Домейко Ігнатій Іполітович
- Зупан Олександр
- Франк-Каменецкий Давид Альбертович
Name Chronicles - Chronicles of Names - encyclopedia
When you look at the Klitschko Bridge, do you think about who really built this bridge? Klitschko gave money taken from the budget. But money won’t mix cement and won’t lay bricks. Klitschko has long been in the encyclopedia. But what about the architect and construction workers who actually built this wonderful bridge? It is this injustice that our encyclopedia is designed to eliminate. You can add a person of absolutely any profession, financial status, religious and political views to the 'Chronicles of Names'. We are firmly convinced that a miner or metallurgist made no less a contribution to the development of our civilization than a deputy or president. And, honestly, it’s bigger. Add yourself, your friend, relative or ancestor to our resource and leave a memory of yourself for posterity. How is our resource different from Facebook itself? We don’t have photographs, for example. The fact that Facebook is closed for indexing by search engines, unlike our site. This means that after the death of this site, there will be no data about you left in Google Cache and Web Archieve. Again, unlike our site. This is the first. And secondly, a social network is not an encyclopedia. It has a different purpose and a different form. 'Chronicles of Names' is a great way to leave a lasting mark on the history of our civilization.
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